Produkty dla na zabezpieczenie (5)

Robot Bezpieczeństwa - Robot

Robot Bezpieczeństwa - Robot

Security Robot
Hologramy o wysokim poziomie bezpieczeństwa Nanocrypt® - Następna generacja OVD (optycznie zmienne urządzenia)

Hologramy o wysokim poziomie bezpieczeństwa Nanocrypt® - Następna generacja OVD (optycznie zmienne urządzenia)

The Nanocrypt® is one of the most secure and technologically advanced nano-optical imaging systems. With resolutions up to 640,000 dpi and tolerances within 2 nm (nanometers), nano-structures and anti-counterfeiting security features can be achieved which cannot be reproduced and can therefore legitimately be termed 100% counterfeit-proof. Cutting edge counterfeit protection at banknote level for the high-security sector Nanocrypt® is a fourth generation OVD (optically variable device). The sophisticated security features that can be achieved with Nanocrypt® technology cannot be simulated or reproduced using conventional techniques (analog or digital production technologies such as dot-matrix imaging). Forensic and machine-readable elements and structures are possible in addition to the visible security features. Holograms with Nanocrypt® technology are primarily used in high-security applications such as documents, identity cards, bank notes and bonds.
Przykręcany Kontener Bezpieczeństwa na Kółkach 1350x950xH1820 mm

Przykręcany Kontener Bezpieczeństwa na Kółkach 1350x950xH1820 mm

Art.Nr: SRC 1309L. Aussen: 1350x950 H 1820mm Innen: 1280x880 H 1600mm Maschung: 50x50mm Nutzlast: 800kg Tara: 91kg Qualitäts-Rollensatz Zink/ Elastik Grau spurlos , Durchmesser 125 mm , 2 Bockrollen + 2 Lenkrollen mit Totalfeststeller Abschliessbar mit Vorhängeschloss (Schloss ist nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten) Achtung: Die auf den Fotos gezeigten Etagen + Europaletten sind nicht im Preis des Wagens enthalten, sondern sind optional bestellbar. Andere Rollen siehe Optionen, Zwischenlagen aber auch gravierte Eigentumschilder sind gegen Aufpreis lieferbar.
Licznik ludzi od Gigabyte

Licznik ludzi od Gigabyte

3D-Bildgebungstechnologie mit intelligenter Videoanalyse kombiniert
Holograficzne Folie Zimne - Holograficzne Folie Zimne do Zastosowań Bezpieczeństwa

Holograficzne Folie Zimne - Holograficzne Folie Zimne do Zastosowań Bezpieczeństwa

Cold foil application for anti-counterfeit Cold foiling is a fast and cost-effective on-press process for applying foil to a variety of substrates —sometimes referred to as foil printing or cold foil application. In the process, the holographic cold foil is applied to an adhesive image using a standard printing plate. The way it works is as clever as it is simple: The foil is affixed to the printed adhesive –the foil material that does not adhere to the adhesive remains on a thin polyester liner. We combine a wide range of complex details and security holograms in the design and technical implementation. Security holograms with innovative Nanocrypt® technology from advast suisse contain security features to banknote standard that guarantee complete counterfeit protection.